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    1、Using LanguageGETTING THE“SCOOP”,Means of media today,Means of media today,media immediate,Time is money.So if a reporter/journalist gets the latest information,he will get it printed immediately.The faster,the better.,Do you know how to make the news?What is the process?,the steps of making news,As

    2、 a new journalist,Zhou Yang was eager to get a scoop.Now comes the chance.Lets go to the text“Getting the Scoop”,1.edit _ editor_ edition _2.department _3.accurate _4.polish _5.approve _6.process _7.chief _,vt.加工;处理 n.过程;步骤,n.版本,版次,n.部门;部;处;系,adj.精确的,正确的,vt.磨光,润色,Vt.批准;赞成,adj.主要的;首席的n.首领,长官,v.编辑,n.编

    3、辑,8.ahead of _9.set to work _10.native speaker11.front page article _12.work on _13.negative films _,从事,在前面,开始认真工作,以说为母语的人,头版新闻,胶片,14.Senior editor _15.Copy editor _16.Main headline _17.Smaller heading_18.Chief editor _19.Desk editor _20.Be processed into _,资深编辑,技术编辑,主标题,副标题,主编,文字编辑,被加工成,Skim to the

    4、get main idea,Whats the main idea of the text?It introduces how to get a scoop.B.It introduces the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article.C.It introduces a scoop about a famous film star.,Careful reading,For more details,一.Go over the questions first:,1.What is a scoop?2.What was Zh

    5、ouYangs first task?3.What did the chief editor think of Zhou Yangs story?4.How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into the film negative?Who were they?,1.What is a scoop?,It means an important story which your newspaper gets ahead of all the other newspapers.,Evidence:,

    6、We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers.This is a scoop.,2.What was Zhou Yangs first task?,His first task was to write a famous film star story.,3.What did the chief editor think of Zhou Yangs story?,thought well of B.thought little of,Last of all,the chief editor read it and

    7、approved it.“well done,”he said to ZY.,Evidence:,4.How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into the film negative?Who are they?And what do they do?,a senior editor from his department,native speaker,copy-editor,news desk editor,check,edit design,polish,approve,chief edit

    8、or,_people.They are a senior editor 资深编辑from his departmentthe copy-editor 技术编辑the native speaker employed by the newspaperthe chief editor 主编and the news desk editor新闻文字编辑.,Five,Background information,Four-color printing四色印刷指的是用黄、品红、青、黑四种油墨进行色彩复制的工艺。,print,The text introduces the process of writing

    9、 and printing for a newspaper article.Now please finish the following flow chart according to the text(流程图),1.You go to an interview to _for your story.,2.You _to see if the story is true or not.,3.You begin to _ the story using notes from the interview.,4.You give the article to the copy-editor to_

    10、.,get the information,do some research,write,design,5.The article is given to a native speaker to _,7.All the stories and photos are set and _ for the printing are made ready.,8.The first edition of a news paper is_.,polish the style,checked/approved,color negatives,6.The last stage the article is _

    11、by the chief editor.,printed,Important words and useful expressions in the text,1.ahead of 2.accurate 3.senior4.polish5.approve6.process,Classic sentences in the passage背诵经典句子,1.His first work was to write his story,but he had to do it carefully.2.Then as the article was going to be written in Engli

    12、sh Zhou Yang also took a copy to the native speaker employed by the newspaper to polish the style.3.All the information was then ready to be processed into film negatives.,summary(retell the story)After an _ with a famous film star to get the information,Zhou Yang sat down at his computer and began

    13、to work on his story,_(try)to keep his story a_ and c_.Story finished,Zhou Yang handed it to an s_ editor from his office who would check the evidence.Then,the story was sent to the _ editor to edit the piece and design the,interview,trying,accurate,concise,senior,copy,main headline and smaller heading.Of course,before _(approve)by the chief editor,the story had to be checked and p_ by a native speaker employed by the newspaper.Everything going well,the story and the photos are set and color negatives for the printing are ready.,being approved,polished,Homework:Make a class newspaper,


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