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    1、牛津英语5BM1U15B Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 What a mess!I. Unit 1教学内容1、Using the key words in context e.g.school bag,brush,glue,paints,crayon,notebook,tape2、Using wh-questions to ask about the possession of objects. e.g.Whose school bag is this?3、Using possessive pronouns to identify the pesses

    2、sion of objects. e.g.Its mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs.4 Identifying the pronunciation of the sounds/ei/ and/ai/ in words e.g. baby,grade,rain,May,eight,pilot,line,fly,light,dieII. 学情分析本单元的主题是“What a mess!”,通过教室、房间的混乱来教育学生要放好自己的物品。主要的教学内容是Whose的特殊疑问句以及回答。Whose 句型的提问对于五年级的学生来说并不难,他们在三四年级的时候已经接触过该句型

    3、,并且已经掌握形容词性物主代词的回答。本单元在此基础上教学名词性所有格的回答,难度就降低了不少。教师还可以教授名词性所有格和形容词性所有格两种回答方式的互换。III. 教学目标知识与技能1、能用whose的句型来询问物体的主人。2、能用mine,yours,his,hers来回答whose的句型。3、能运用教材中的对话,分角色进行表演,表达流畅,提高语言的交际能力和表演能力。4、能运用教材中的故事及歌曲来演绎故事,让学生在演演说说玩玩中加深知识。5、掌握Whose 句型的两种提问方式,以及Whose句型的两种回答方法。过程与方法1、通过多媒体为学生创设情境,使学生理解所学单词和句型,学会在情景

    4、中运用句型。2、通过扮演、游戏、儿歌、歌曲等方法来激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在愉快的氛围中操练句型。3、利用教室里的各种实物来进行句型的操练和对话的表演,达到语用目的。情感态度、价值观1、 从教学主题“多么混乱”来教育学生自己的东西要自己收拾好,做一个生活有条理的学生。2、 通过第三课时的教学教育孩子,要帮助父母主动整理房间,做个热爱劳动和助人为乐的孩子。民族精神教育:教育孩子,要帮助父母主动整理房间,做个热爱劳动和助人为乐的孩子。生命教育:鼓励孩子主动整理自己的东西,做个生活有条理的学生。重点、难点分析重点:1、Whoseis this? 以及它的两种回答方式。 2、能用名词性所有格his,

    5、hers,ours,theirs,yours来回答whose的句型。 3、可以利用祈使句Puton/in her desk,please.来请别人把物体放归到合适的地方。难点:1、学会教室里的一些学习用品的准确表达方法notebook, paints, crayons 2、可以利用祈使句Puton/in her desk,please.来请别人把物体放归到合适的地方。 3、利用whose句型来询问物体的主人。 4、能用名词性所有格his,hers,ours,theirs,yours来回答whose的句型。 M1 U1 Period 1I Unit 1 Period 1教学内容Using the

    6、 key words in contexte.g. school bag, brush, glue, paints, crayon, notebook, tapeUsing possessive pronouns to identify the possession of objectse.g., Its mine. II 学情分析这是学生第一次接触名词性物质代词。III 教学目标知识与技能1、能掌握名词性物主代词和所有格的转换。2、能用名词性物主代词来介绍物品的归属性。方法与过程1、通过多媒体为学生创设情境,使学生理解所学单词和句型,学会在情景中运用句型。2、通过歌曲、图片等方法来激发学生的

    7、学习兴趣,使学生在愉快的氛围中操练句型。情感态度、价值观学会整理自己的物品,在语言交流的过程中,促使学生能关注到物品的主人,养成整理物品的习惯。IV 重点、难点分析重点:名词性物主代词:mine, his, hers, ours, theirs, yours难点:1、能运用生活中的材料,分角色进行介绍,表达流畅ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task preparations1.Sing a song .2. Ask and answer1.Song “Happy New year”2. Ask and answer.Collect some stat

    8、ionery items from the students. Then have the students answer the questions to find out the owners of these items. e.g., T: (pick up a pencil) Whose pencil is this ? Is it your pencil,(S1s name) S1: Yes, its my pencil. 课前唱歌渲染气氛,调动学生学习积极性。 通过问答复习所有格While-task Procedures1.Look and learn(school bag, br

    9、ush, glue, paints, crayon, notebook, tape)1. Point to objects in the classroom and have the students name them. Then ask them to repeat and spell the words (school bag, brush, glue, paints, crayon, notebook, tape) one by one. e.g.,T: Whats on your desk?S1: There is a notebook on my desk. T: Whats ne

    10、ar the notebook?S1: There are some crayons. 运用旧句型引出新单词,操练新单词师生问答练习单词和句型2.Say and act3. Play a game. 4. Look and learn.( mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)5. Say the chant. 5. Say the chant:2. Flash the cards for the words in Look and learn on page 3 of the book. Have the students identify the obj

    11、ects. Then ask them to write the words down as fast as they can. 3. Have the students play a matching game. Put the pictures of different stationery items and different people on the blackboard. Then say the following sentences and ask the students to match the pictures of the people to the things b

    12、elonging to them. 4. Point to the objects on the desk and have the students answer the questions belonging to them. e.g.,T: Is this your notebook, S1?S1: Yes, its my notebook.T: Oh, the notebook is yours. T: Is that S2s school bag?S1: No, its S3s schoolbag.T: Oh, its hers. 5. Write some pronouns suc

    13、h as mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs on the blackboard. Have the students say the chant together. e.g.,My book, your book. They are our books. They are ours. His book, her book. They are their books. They are theirs.Write some pronouns such as mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs on the blackbo

    14、ard. Have the students say the chant together. e.g., My book, your book. They are our books. They are ours. His book, her book.They are their books. They are theirs. 通过游戏的方式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。通过师生之间的问答学习新知识。通过chant,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。Post-task activities1. Make a dialogue. 2. Do the exercises. 1. Divide the stud

    15、ents into groups of four. Have the students make a new dialogue talking about the objects belonging to them in groups. 2. Have the students fill in the blanks with some nouns they have learnt. e.g., 1. I have some _ and _ in my pencil.2. There is a _, some _ and many _ on the desk. 3. Its Kittys bru

    16、sh. Its _. 4. This is Toms schoolbag. Its _. 分组练习增加说的机会Assignment1. Copy the new words and phrases. 2. Read and recite the text. 3. Workbook.Boarding writing Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 What a mess!notebook, brush, schoolbag, glue, paints, crayon, brush, tapemine, yours, his, hers, ours, the

    17、irsThe _is/are _. It is/They are _. Teaching introspection andsummary Period 2I Unit 1 Period 2教学内容1、Using wh-questions to ask about the possession of objectse.g., Whose school bag is this ?2、Using possessive pronouns to identify the possession of objectse.g. Its mine.II. 学情分析这是学生第二次接触whose的句型,重点要求掌

    18、握whose引导的两种句型。III 教学目标知识与技能1、能用whose的句型来询问物品的归属。2、能用名词性物主代词来绍物品的归属性。方法与过程1、通过多媒体为学生创设情境,使学生理解所学单词和句型,学会在情景中运用句型。2、通过歌曲、图片对话等方法来激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在愉快的氛围中操练句型。情感态度、价值观学会整理自己的物品,在语言交流的过程中,促使学生能关注到物品的主人,养成整理物品的习惯。IV重点、难点分析重点:1、whose school bag is this? Whose is this school bag? 等句型 2、能用名词性物主代词来绍物品的归属性难点:1、能运

    19、用教材中的对话,分角色进行表演,表达流畅 2、Whose school bag is this? Whose is this school bag? 等句型V. 教学准备: Students book, p.3, flashcards 5B( school bag, brush, glue, paints, crayon, notebook, tape)ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task preparationsAsk and answer1. Have the students answer the questions about the ob

    20、jects belonging to them. e.g., T: Whose pencil is this ?S1: Its my pencil. Its mine. T: Is that his/her book?S2: Yes, its his/her book. Yes, its his/hers. 利用师生问答复习句型和词汇, 为今天的教学做好铺垫。“While-task Procedures1. Learn the key patterns.1. Put some books on the desk. Then write the key patterns:Whose book i

    21、s this? Its my/his/her book. Its mine/his/hers.Ask the students to practice the pattern in pairs.一问一答训练学生运用知识的能力和他们的拓展思维。2. Practise the senences. 3.Listen to the recording and answer the questions.4. AAct out the dialogue. 2. Have the students ask and answer questions in groups of boys and girls ac

    22、cording to the given words: mine, yours, theirs.e.g.,Bs: Whose pencils are these?Gs: Theyre ours. Bs: Whose rulers are these?Gs: Theyre yours. 3. .Have the students listen to the recording for Look and say and repeat after it . Then ask them some questions to check their understanding. e.g., T: Whos

    23、e school bag is this?S1: Its Peters.T: Whose notebook is that? Is it Kittys?S2: Yes, its hers. 3.Write the key patterns Whens your birthday and Its onon the blackboard. Ask the students to repeat after you. Then ask several students about their birthdays.4.Ask the students why Peter wants to have an

    24、 orange party to elicit the theme party.Have the students role-play the dialogue in pairs. Then invite several pairs to role play it in front of the class. 通过师生之间的问答练习新知识。通过小组对话活动培养学生的实际运用能力Post-task activities1.Make a new dialogue Divide the students into groups of four. Give each group a picture o

    25、f a messy classroom. Have the students discuss how to tidy up the classroom. Then ask them to make a dialogue about it. You may also ask the students to draw pictures by themselves and then make dialogues. Finally, invite some groups to act out their dialogue in front of the class. e.g.,S1: Look at

    26、the classroom. What a mess! Whose notebooks are these? Are they yours? S2: Yes, theyre mine. S1: Please put them in your school bag. S2: OK. S1: Whose brushes are these?S2: Theyre hers. I think.S1: Are these crayons yours?S2: No, theyre not mine. They are his. 让学生改编对话,对本课重点进行回顾和操练,巩固所学的知识。达到学以致用的目的

    27、Assignment1. Read the text.2. Workbook. 3. Make a short dialogue. Boarding writing Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 What a mess!Whose ?Its /Theyre mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs.Teaching introspection andsummary Period 3I Unit 1 Period 3教学内容1、Using wh-questions to ask about the possession of obj

    28、ectse.g., Whose ball is this?2、Using possessive pronouns to identify the possession of objectse.g., Its mine. II 学情分析通过上课时的学习,学生能够使用单词来描述一些学习用品的名称,并能使用Whoseis/are?疑问句句型来询问事物的主人,同时学生能熟练使用名词性物主代词来回答问题III 教学目标知识与技能1、能用whose的句型来询问物品的归属。2、能用祈使句对他人下达指令。方法与过程1、通过多媒体为学生创设情境,使学生理解所学单词和句型,学会在情景中运用句型。2、通过歌曲、图片

    29、对话等方法来激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在愉快的氛围中操练句型。情感态度、价值观学会整理自己的物品,在语言交流的过程中,促使学生能关注到物品的主人,养成整理物品的习惯。IV 重点、难点分析重点:1、Whose ball is this? Is it yours? 等句型 2、能用祈使句对他人下达指令。难点:1、能运用教材中的对话,分角色进行表演,表达流畅V. 教学准备: Students book, p.4 and 5, Cassette 5BVI. 教学过程:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task preparations1.Say the chan

    30、t. 2.Ask and answer1.Play the recording for Listen and enjiy on page 5 of the book. Have the students answer the questions below to review the patterns.e.g., T: Whose scarf is this?S1: Itd her scarf. This scarf is hers. Then ask the students to say the chant together. Ask the students some questions about the objecrts in the classroom and make a new chant. e.g., T: Whose storybook is this?Ss: Its her storybook. This storybook is hers. 通过运用chant 复习以前学的知识,达到承上启下的效果。通过师生问答复习句型。While-task Procedures1.Learn the text. 1. Have the studen


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