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    1、BCI会员申请表制造商供应商类别中英文Becoming a bci member 成为BCI会员This document comprises of: 本文件由以下两部分组成:1.The membership application form 2.会员申请表3.The membership contract (Membership Code of Practice and Terms of membership)会员合同(会员行为规范和会员条款)The membership application form must be completed, signed and returned to t

    2、he BCI along with required support documents as outlined in the form before membership applications can be accepted. 会员申请表要求填写完整,签字盖章之后和其它必须提供的资料一起发给BCI。 Once your application has been approved, you will need to sign the membership contract and return to BCI along with proof of payment of your annua

    3、l fee in order to activate your BCI membership.一旦会员申请获得批准,你需要签署会员合合同并与年费付款证明一起发回BCI来确认你的BCI会员资格开始生效。application for membership 会员申请表suppliers and manufacturers - OTHER intermediaries 供应商和制造商-其他中间商 Suppliers and Manufacturers include any organisations that run for profit activity within the cotton su

    4、pply chain beyond the farm gate and before retail, from buying, selling, and financing to processing. Other intermediaries include spinners, mills, cut and sew, and ginners.供应商和制造商是指在棉花从农场交货之后直至进入零售环节之前,任何在棉花供应链上从事棉花买卖、融资及加工等营利性活动的组织。其他中间商包括轧花厂、纺纱厂、布厂和加工厂。 Membership criteria会员标准Membership is open t

    5、o all organisations. BCI is an inclusive initiative which aims to work with its members and partners to achieve its goal of transforming cotton production worldwide by developing Better Cotton as a sustainable mainstream commodity. Applicants to membership should fulfil the following: 会员对所有的单位机构都是开放

    6、的。 BCI是一个具有广泛包容性的协会, 目标在于和它的会员和合作伙伴一起致力于改变世界范围内的棉花生产,从而发展良好棉花成为一种可持续主流商品。 会员申请单位需要填写以下资料:1.Your long-term business aspirations support BCIs mission, aims and strategic principles for Better Cotton (http:/bettercotton.org/about-bci/).2.申请单位长期业务发展愿景来支持BCI的使命、良好棉花的目标和战略性原则。(网址:http:/bettercotton.org/ab

    7、out-bci/)3.Your organisation is able to demonstrate an existing commitment to good environmental and social standards. Evidence includes either implementing a third party code of conduct / management standard covering both environmental and social practices e.g. SA8000 / ISO9001 / ISO14001, or imple

    8、menting a clients codes of practice. 4.申请单位目前对环境和社会标准的执行情况。执行标准包括第三方行为准则、包含环境和社会规范的企业管理标准如SA8000 / ISO9001 / ISO14001,或者是正在执行的客户要求的行为准则。 5.Your organization is currently not on an internationally recognised Default list. 申请单位目前未被列入国际性行业黑名单上。6.Your organisation is a legal entity, or a group of legal

    9、entities. 申请单位是合法的机构或集团企业。 7.If your organisation forms part of a group, the entire group of companies needs to become a member of BCI. BCI does not accept applications from single entities forming part of larger groups.如果申请单位是集团公司属下企业或子公司,应该由集团公司总部来申请成为BCI会员。 BCI 不接受大型企业集团下属企业的单独申请。 8.If you run in

    10、tegrated operations including several processing steps, your membership will be categorised according to the highest value activity exercised.9.如果申请单位涉及产业链比较长,经营范围广,则会员类别将根据该单位最高收入来源部分来界定。 10.Should your organisation pose a reputational risk to BCI through past or present activities, it will not be

    11、considered for membership.如果申请单位由于历史性或目前的行为会影响到BCI的声誉,该单位将不会被考虑接受为会员。 11.An organisation applying for membership should have a minimum of 1 years existence.任何申请BCI的会员机构或单位必须合法注册运作满一年以上。12.If your organization is currently in arbitration as a result of contract fulfilment issues, your membership appl

    12、ication will be placed on hold until the dispute is settled.如果申请单位目前有牵涉合同纠纷问题,其会员申请将暂时中止直至纠纷得到处理解决。Company information 公司信息About the organisation 机构信息Name of company 公司名称Business Registration Reference No.营业执照编号:Address (Headquarters)地址(总部)Building办公楼Street 街道City 城市State 省市Postcode/Zip邮编Country 国家T

    13、elephone 电话Website 网址The information you provide below will be shared with our Members and Council as part of the consultation and approval process. Answering fully and factually is important to the success of your application.以下提供的信息将作为讨论和审核批准程序的一部分与我们的会员和委员会共享。真实完整的资料将有助于你会员申请的成功。Date your organis

    14、ation was established公司成立日期Brief description of your companys key activities公司主营业务的简介Motivation for joining the BCI (sustainability and business motivation)加入BCI的原因/目的 (可持续方面和商业因素)What would your organisation like to achieve during your first year as a member?成为会员第一年公司希望达到的目标是:Do you have any intere

    15、st in becoming a BCI Implementing Partner (IP)? Note that an IP works with farmers at the local level to implement the BCI system.希望成为BCI的执行合作伙伴吗?(注:执行合作伙伴是指在棉花种植阶段与农民/农场合作来执行BCI标准生产体系)?YES / NO是/否Do you implement a code of conduct or certifiable standard e.g. FLA - ETI - SA8000 / ISO9001) / ISO1400

    16、1 目前有执行哪些认证标准如FLA - ETI - SA8000 / ISO9001) / ISO14001 Do you work with or purchase any form of non-conventional cotton e.g. Organic, Fair-trade, Cotton Made in Africa, other公司有采购或与非传统棉花的合作吗, 如有机棉、公平贸易、非洲棉,及其他?Data Protection数据保护By becoming a BCI Member, you accept that contact names and email addre

    17、sses may be shared through internal group communication (or other means). For more information, please see the BCI Data Protection Policy. 通过成为BCI会员,你同意和BCI与其会员在组织沟通中(或其他方式)可共享联系人的姓名和邮箱地址。有关详细信息,请参看BCI数据保护政策。Members often wish to contact each other outside of BCI. If you do not wish your contact det

    18、ails to be shared, please indicate by ticking the box below.会员通常希望在BCI之外相互联系。若有会员与BCI接洽要求你组织的联系信息,而你不希望你的联系信息被转发,请在下列方框中打勾表明。No, I do not wish mine or my organisations contact details to be shared with other members.不,我不希望我或我公司的联系信息与其他会员共享。BCI publishes a Membership list on its website and in some p

    19、resentations. If you do not wish your organisation to appear in this list, please tick the box below:BCI会在其网站上或一些宣传介绍中公布会员名单。若你不希望你组织出现在BCI会员名单上,请在下列方框中标记。No, I do not wish my organisation to appear in the BCI Membership list.不,我不希望我们公司出现在BCI会员名单上。As a member, it is normal for us to display your org

    20、anisations logo and include a link to your website. If you do not wish this, please tick the boxes below.作为一名会员, 一般都会在网站上公布公司的logo和网址链接。如果你不希望如此,请在以下方框中标记。No, I do not want BCI to link to my organisations website不,我不希望BCI链接我公司的网站。No, I do not want BCI to make use of my organisations logo不,我不希望BCI使用我

    21、公司的logo。Primary contact主要联系人The primary contact nominated should be the person within your organisation who will act as the organisations day-to-day representative with BCI. All communications from BCI to your organisations will be directed to the primary contact. 被指定的主要联系人应是公司内部人员,将作为贵公司与BCI的日常联系人。

    22、从BCI到贵公司的日常联系都将发给主要联系人。Name 姓名First name名:Last name姓:Position within organisation 职务Email邮箱地址Skype username (optional/可选)Telephone电话号码Country Code 国家代码:Number号码:Secondary contact备用联系人The application should also be endorsed and signed by a senior member of the organisation who will take responsibilit

    23、y for ensuring that the organisation follows the obligations laid out in the BCI Principles of Participation. You may nominate this senior member as the secondary representative to this function. The secondary contact may be copied into communications but will not be the first point of contact.申请也应得

    24、到组织高层管理人员批准和签署,该成员将负责确保本公司履行BCI参与原则中规定的义务。你可以指定这位资深成员为这一职能的备用联系人。备用联系人可以被复制到通讯中,但不会成为主要联系人。Name姓名First name 名:Last name 姓:Position within organisation职务Email邮箱地址Skype username (optional/可选)Telephone电话号码Country Code 国家代码:Number号码:Invoicing address发票寄送地址Please supply details to be used for invoicing p

    25、urposes. Also, please state if your organization requires any specific information in order to process an invoice (such as Purchase Order numbers).请提供开具发票之用的详细信息。此外,请提出你组织在处理发票时所需的任何具体信息(如采购订单号)。Contact name for invoices发票联系人姓名First name姓:Last name名:Email邮箱地址Telephone电话号码Country Code 国家代码:Number号码:F

    26、ax传真号码Country Code国家代码:Number号码:Address (if different to HQ)地址(如与公司总部地址不同)Building 楼号Street 街道City城市State 省/市Postcode / Zip邮编Country 国家Any additional information required for invoices发票开具其它要求Membership Level会员级别Applicants can choose to join BCI at a level that suits their ambition, capacity and inte

    27、rest. For suppliers and manufacturers, this means that you can choose between Basic and Registered membership.申请单位可以根据自己的目标、能力和利益相关度来选择加入BCI会员的级别。 对于供应商和制造商类别的会员来讲,可以选择成为基本会员或者是注册会员。 Basic Membership基本会员Basic membership means you can be part of the initiative while you learn about what it means to m

    28、arket, buy and sell Better Cotton. This type of membership is great for those organisations that are not yet ready to become fully active, or simply want to support BCI in a more hands-off way. 基本会员是指成为本协会的成员之一,获得良好棉花的市场信息,以及采购和销售良好棉花。本类型的会员主要是针对那些还未真正准备好积极投入到良好棉花项目,或不想涉及太多,仅仅对BCI的理念进行初步支持的会员而设计的。Re

    29、gistered Membership注册会员Registered membership is for those organisations that want to be active players in the Better Cotton Supply Chain. Not only do registered members receive training on how Better Cotton can be more efficiently bought, sold, managed and marketed BCI will also actively promote you

    30、r organisation as a supplier who has chosen to become a BCI registered supplier. By choosing this level of membership, your organisation will receive a higher degree of commercial visibility, as well as formal recognition and endorsement by the BCI for the active role played in taking the BCI agenda

    31、 forward. 注册会员是针对那些想在良好棉花供应链当中积极参与的企业来设立的。BCI不仅对注册会员提供培训,比如如何进行更有效地采购、销售、管理和市场推广良好棉花等等,成为BCI注册会员之后,我们还会对注册会员进行积极介绍。注册会员会获得更高级别的商业曝光度,以及在推进BCI工作的积极表现而获得BCI的正式认可。Registered suppliers注册会员:Are trained in how to manage Better Cotton and have free access to the Traceability System for Better Cotton 就如何管理良好棉花进行培训,能自由使用良好棉花追踪系统Are attractive to BCIs brand and retailers because they are officially recognised as trained BCI suppliers由于是官方正式认可的经过培训的BCI供应商,BCI品牌和零售商将会对其更感兴趣Have a higher profile and visibility on BCIs website, and


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