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    1、有些人认为男人和女人的决策是不同的,男人更有逻辑性,而女人更依赖自己的情感。你同意吗?你认为是什么? 最好的、冷静的、合乎逻辑的方法来做出明智和平衡的决定?是否有可能培养技能,以便随着时间的推移,你可以更有效地进行决策?Preview since the beginning of time,beauty has been a highly valued part of life in every culture.While a love of beauty in life is universal,each culture has defined beauty in its own uniqu

    2、e way.In modern times,with instant access to media like television magazines,and the Internet,our senses are filled with consistent images of idealized beauty.These images fuel a passionate desire to preserve youth and to achieve unreachable standards of beauty through makeup and other products.Yet,

    3、all who live will grow older,and outward beauty alone can never make a beautiful life.Do you think the contest force of the unattainable images of beauty presented in the media places too much stress on people today? How important is physical attractiveness to success? What do you believe are the ma

    4、in elements for a truly beautiful or a perfect life?从一开始,美在每一种文化中都是生活中被高度重视的一部分,在生活中对美的热爱是普遍的,每一种文化都以自己独特的方式来定义美。 在现代,随着电视杂志和互联网等媒体的即时访问,我们的感官充满了持续不断的理想化美的形象。这些图像激发了保持青春的强烈愿望。 要通过化妆和其他产品达到无法达到的美貌标准。然而,所有活着的人都会变老,只有外在的美永远无法创造美好的生活。 在媒体上所呈现的无法达到的美的形象给今天的人们带来了太多的压力吗?外表对成功有多重要?你认为 真正的美丽还是完美的生活?Preview A

    5、n entrepreneur is someone who sees opportunity and is willing and able to assume every risk to achieve success.Howard Schultz,founder and owner of Starbucks,once said: I believe life is a series of near misses.A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all.Its seizing the day and accepting resp

    6、onsibility for your future.Its seeing what other people dont see and pursuing that vision. Stories of successful business people around the world always point to certain personal qualities and managerial notions that contribute to their achievements.What do you think are these important qualities an

    7、d notions? If you want to become the next great entrepreneur,what educational and other preparations will you need to start your business? What steps will you take to turn your idea into reality?企业家是看到机会并愿意并能够承担一切风险以取得成功的人。星巴克的创始人兼所有者霍华德舒尔茨曾说过:“我相信生活是一系列的 我们认为运气的很多东西根本不是运气,而是抓住每一天,为你的未来承担责任,就是看到别人看不

    8、到的东西,并追求这一愿景。“斯托 世界各地成功的商界人士总是指出某些有助于他们取得成就的个人素质和管理理念。你认为这些重要品质是什么? 和观念?如果你想成为下一个伟大的企业家,你需要什么样的教育和其他准备才能创业?你将采取哪些步骤将你的想法变成现实? Before the age of industrialization,the natural world had existed with little impact from human beings.However,with the development of modern technology,man has radically alt

    9、ered the natural environment on the earth.The sky is filled with smog,water is polluted,forests are cut down,and wild animals are put in danger of extinction.We all enjoy the comfort and convenience of modern life-a cozy place to live,a car to get around easily,a cell phone to have mobile communicat

    10、ion,as well as a compute rand the Internet to stayconnected to the world.But when satisfying human needs and protecting nature conflict with each other,which one should be given priority,human needs or nature? Would you want to live in an environment that is all natural,or that is allman-made? What

    11、do you think is the best way to balance nature and modernity?工业化以前,自然界的存在对人类的影响很小,但随着现代技术的发展,人类的自然环境发生了根本性的变化。 在地球上,天空弥漫着烟雾,水被污染,森林被砍伐,野生动物濒临灭绝,我们都享受着现代生活的舒适和便利-一个舒适的地方 为了生活,一辆汽车可以轻松地行驶,一部手机可以进行移动通信,还有一台计算机和互联网可以保持与世界的“连接”,但是当满足人类的需要和保护自然的时候 我们彼此冲突,谁应该被优先考虑,人类的需要还是自然?你想生活在一个完全自然的环境中,还是“人造的”环境?你觉得是什么

    12、 如何平衡自然与现代性? From the moment of birth,we are learning about our home culture,for example,its language,values,behavior and history.We know what is best,appropriate and true in our own culture.However,in the modern age,we often meet people from other cultures,whether for business,academic or social re

    13、asons.In such cross-cultural interactions,we have to be aware of the profound impact of culture on the success of communication.Stereotypes and misunderstandings may well be generated if we look at other cultures from the perspective of our own.For example,do all Americans like fast food? Are all Ch

    14、inese discreet and modest? What stereotypes do you think Westerners have about the Chinese?What stereotypes do the Chinese have about Westerners? If you are to work in a multicultural environment or travel abroad in the future,how will you prepare yourself to becomeculturally competent从出生的那一刻起,我们就开始

    15、了解我们的家庭文化,例如我们的语言、价值观、行为和历史,我们知道在我们自己的文化中什么是最好的、合适的和正确的。然而,在现代 在这样的跨文化互动中,我们必须意识到文化对我们成功的深远影响。如果我们从我们自己的角度看待其他文化,很可能会产生成见和误解。例如,所有美国人都喜欢快餐吗?中国人都很谨慎吗? 不谦虚?你认为西方人对中国人有什么成见?中国人对西方人有什么成见?如果你要在多元文化的环境中工作或者出国旅游的话 在未来,你将如何准备自己成为“文化能力”?Men and women are alike in many essential ways.Yet there are also variou

    16、s gender-based differences between them,both biological and psychological ones.Historically,this gender distinction has driven the assumption that males should dominate,with authority over females both in public and private spheres.However,the last century has seen dramatic changes in the roles of m

    17、en and women.What are the traditional roles of men and women in your culture?What is the situation now? Does discrimination still exist? For example,in workplaces,are men and women given equal opportunity to be heard,or to be promoted to top positions?And at home,do husband and wife share balanced r

    18、esponsibilities and feel equally valued for their contributions?男人和女人在很多方面都是一样的。然而,她们之间也存在着各种各样的性别差异,无论是生理上的还是心理上的。 他认为男性应该占主导地位,在公共和私人领域都应该凌驾于女性之上。然而,上个世纪,男性和女性的角色发生了巨大的变化。 男性和女性在你们的文化中所扮演的角色是什么?现在的情况如何?歧视是否仍然存在?例如,在工作场所,男女是否有平等的机会发表意见或担任公关? 在家里,丈夫和妻子是否分担平衡的责任,并为自己的贡献感到同等的价值?As the worlds populatio

    19、n rapidly grows,responsibility members ofsociety are increasingly concerned about two prominent issues are,in fact,closely related.High energy costs drive up the cost of growing,producing and delivering food.The future survival of humanity depends upon reaching practical and cost effective solutions

    20、 to both of these problems.Some scientists believe that conservation and the development of alternative energy sources are urgent necessities,and that developing nations should build their capacity to grow and store food,What do you think are feasible solutions to the energy and food crises?What cha

    21、llenges do we face in using renewable energy such as solar,wind and hydroelectric power? What are the major causes of a global food shortage?What can individual citizens do in their daily life to help save energy and food?随着世界人口的迅速增长,社会越来越关注两个突出的问题,事实上,这两个问题是密切相关的。高能源成本推高了粮食的种植、生产和运送成本。人类的未来生存d 一些科学

    22、家认为,保护和开发替代能源是迫切需要的。 以及发展中国家应建立其种植和储存粮食的能力,你认为解决能源和粮食危机的可行办法是什么?我们在使用可再生能源方面面临哪些挑战? 像太阳能、风能和水力发电这样的暴躁?全球粮食短缺的主要原因是什么?公民个人在日常生活中能做些什么来帮助节约能源和粮食? What makes a life worth living?For many people,the answer is clear: Having a stable career and a happy family,living a life with material comfort.For others

    23、,though,the answer may be different.Their focus is primarily on realizing goals that they have a strong passion for or keen interest in.They want to be engaged in a life that will bring some form of good and profound change to the world.Think about your own life decisions.What do you think is a mean

    24、ingful life?Among the various considerations of a career choice,such as interest,comfort or salary,what do you consider as the most important? Is there anything that you would like to pursue in life even if it is not materially rewarding? How do you plan to make it a Success?什么使生活有价值?对许多人来说,答案是明确的:拥有稳定的事业和幸福的家庭,过着物质享受的生活。然而,对其他人来说,答案可能不同。- 他们主要是为了实现他们对自己有强烈的热情或强烈的兴趣的目标,他们想要从事一种能给世界带来某种形式的美好和深刻变化的生活。- 关于你自己的人生决策。你认为什么是有意义的生活?在职业选择的各种考虑因素中,比如兴趣、舒适或薪水,你认为最重要的是什么?我 有什么你想在生活中追求的,即使没有物质上的回报?你打算怎样才能成功?欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求


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