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    1、海洋石油安全管理细则英文初稿Order of the State Administration of Work SafetyNo. 25The Rules on Safety Management of Offshore Oil have been adopted at the director generals office meeting of the State Administration of Work Safety on August 24, 2009, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of December

    2、 1, 2009.Director General: Luo LinDate: September 7, 2009Rules on Safety Management of Offshore OilChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 For purposes of strengthening the safety management of offshore oil operation, protecting the operators life and property, as well as preventing and reducing offsh

    3、ore oil production safety accidents, these Rules are hereby formulated in accordance with relevant laws such as the Production Safety Law, regulations, and standards.Article 2 These Rules shall apply to the safety in the production of offshore oil (including natural gas, hereinafter the same) in the

    4、 internal water, territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China as well as other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the Peoples Republic of China, and to the supervision and administration thereof.Article 3 Opera

    5、tors and contractors of offshore oil are the subjects of responsibilities for the safety in the production of offshore oil operation and shall be responsible for such production safety.Article 4 The China Offshore Oil Operation Safety Office under the State Administration of Work Safety (hereinafter

    6、 referred to as the “COOOSO”) is responsible for the supervision and administration on the safety in the production of national offshore oil; and the suboffices of the Offshore Oil Safety Office in China National Offshore Oil Corporation, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, and China National Pe

    7、troleum Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Relevant Offshore Oil Safety Suboffice”) are responsible for the supervision and administration on the safety in the offshore oil production of the aforementioned corporations respectively.Chapter II Management of the Record Filing of FacilitiesSectio

    8、n 1 Management of the Record Filing of Production FacilitiesArticle 5 The commissioning shall be carried out for the production facilities of offshore oil. An operator or contractor shall, 45 days prior to the date of commissioning, go through the record filing formalities with Relevant Offshore Oil

    9、 Safety Suboffice at the locality of the production facilities concerned and simultaneously submit the application for the record filing of commissioning of production facilities, application for the record filing of come-into-service of the submarine long-distance oil (gas) pipeline, and the follow

    10、ing materials:1. Final inspection certificate (or temporary inspection certificate) and inspection report issued by the inspection authority;2. Safety precautions for the commissioning;3. Registration form of the materials for the construction phase;4. Relevant documents on passing the design examin

    11、ation of safety facilities, on design modification of safety facilities, and on passing the examination on the design modification of safety facilities;5. Qualification certificate of the operation entity;6. Conditions of production accident and major fault resulting from poor engineering quality, w

    12、hich happened during the operation period;7. The registration form of certificates and other documents relating to the production facilities;8. Main technical specifications, general arrangement plan, and process flow diagram of the production facilities;9. Safety qualification certificates of the p

    13、rincipal of the production facilities and other relevant work safety managerial staff;10. Classification list for obtaining certificates of auxiliary equipment to the production facilities and certificates concerned;11. Operation safety manual of production facilities; and12. Emergency preplan for t

    14、he safe operation of production facilities.Where the production facilities are floating production storage and offloading vessel, the inspection certificates, leave-factory conformity certificates and post-install test reports of the fast kickoff mechanism and the devices for measuring hawser tensio

    15、n and distance shall be submitted.Where the production facilities are the submarine long-distance oil (gas) pipeline, in addition to the materials as mentioned in Items 1 to 12 in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the registration form of certificates and other documents relating to the record filing of

    16、the come-into-service of the submarine long-distance oil (gas) pipeline as well as the certificates and documents concerned shall be submitted.Article 6 The Relevant Offshore Oil Safety Suboffice shall strictly examine the materials relating to the production facilities submitted by the operators or

    17、 contractors and, when necessary, carry out spot inspection.Where it is necessary to carry out spot inspection, the Relevant Offshore Oil Safety Suboffice shall, ten days in advance, discuss and agree on the detailed issues on the spot inspection with the operator or contractor concerned. The operat

    18、or or contractor shall coordinate with the Relevant Offshore Oil Safety Suboffice in the spot inspection and provide the following materials:1. The registration form of personnel safety training certificates;2. The physical layout drawing of the fire fighting and life saving appliances and the stati

    19、on list;3. Safety management documents, including the documents on the system of responsibility for production safety, safety operation specifications, work permit system, safety inspection system, system on anchoring, loading and unloading of the vessel, helicopter management system, hazardous mate

    20、rials management system, procedures for the remote control and detection of the unmanned platform, and oil (gas) export management system; and4. In the case of oil production facilities at beach, the conformity documents, inspection certificates and post-install test reports of the seaway and the in

    21、stallations and facilities along the seaway.Where the examination and spot inspection are passed, the Relevant Offshore Oil Safety Suboffice shall issue a notice on the record filing of the commissioning of the production facilities; or where the materials for record filing or safety conditions of t

    22、he site of production facilities fail to meet relevant provisions, the Relevant Offshore Oil Safety Suboffice shall notify in writing the operator or contractor to make corrections in time.Article 7 Operators or contractors shall organize the commissioning in strict accordance with the safety precau

    23、tions as listed in the record filing documents, and the period of commissioning shall not exceed twelve months. Operators or contractors shall apply to the COOOSO for acceptance inspection if the production facilities operate normally during the period of commissioning.The production facilities may

    24、formally come into service only after the acceptance inspection is passed and the safety production permit for the production facilities has been obtained by the operators or contractors.Article 8 Under any of the following circumstances, the operator or contractor of production facilities shall rep

    25、ort to the Relevant Offshore Oil Safety Suboffice in time:1. Where any of the key safety facilities, such as the aboveground or subsurface safety valve, fire and toxic and harmful gas detection and alarm system, and fire fighting apparatus and life saving appliances, is replaced or dismantled;2. Whe

    26、re the relevant content of the emergency preplan is changed;3. Where the oil (gas) production has been discontinued for over ten days or terminated;4. Where the original designed use of the submarine long-distance oil (gas) pipeline is changed;5. Where the maximum designed transportation capacity or

    27、 pressure of the submarine long-distance oil (gas) pipeline is exceeded.6. Where the submarine long-distance oil (gas) pipeline is seriously damaged, ruptured or blown up;7. Where any major pollution accident happens due to the leakage of oil (gas) transported by the submarine long-distance oil (gas

    28、) pipeline;8. Where the destabilization, horizontal or vertical movement, impendency, subsidence or flotation of the submarine long-distance oil (gas) pipeline exceeds the relevant designed allowable deviation;9. Where the production by the submarine long-distance oil (gas) pipeline is ceased due to

    29、 the filter medium clogging;10. Where the submarine long-distance oil (gas) pipeline needs major repair or reconstruction;11. Where the safety system (such as the emergency blow-down device and targeted cut-off device) of the long-distance oil (gas) pipeline has been in malfunction for a long time;

    30、or12. Where any other circumstances under which the production safety is significantly influenced.Section 2 Management of the Record Filing of Operating FacilitiesArticle 9 The geophysical prospecting, well drilling (intervention), pipelaying, hoisting, and life support by the offshore oil operating

    31、 facilities shall be filed for record with the Relevant Offshore Oil Safety Suboffice. An operator or contractor shall, fifteen days prior to the operation, submit the application for the record filing of operating facilities and the following materials to the Relevant Offshore Oil Safety Suboffice:

    32、1. Registration form of the certificates relating to the application for the record filing of operating facilities;2. Classification list for obtaining certificates of auxiliary equipment to the operating facilities and relevant certificates;3. Ship maneuvering manual;4. Operation contract;5. Operation safety manual of operating facilities; and6. Emergency preplan for the safe operation of operating facilities.In the case of the operating facilities of well drilling (intervention), in addition to the materials as mentioned in Items 1 to 6 of Paragraph 1 of this Articl


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