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    1、1The writer of this passage is a _.Aparent Bcollege student Chigh school student Dhigh school teacher2The writer felt nervous while looking for her first class because _.Athe school was very large Bthe map did not show the wayCthe teacher would be serious Dthe first class would be difficult3The writ

    2、er felt less nervous after she _.Amet her old classmate Ben Bmade friends with a girlChad P.E. class together with Ben Dfinally found her first class4How did the writer feel about high school by the end of the day?ANervous. BBored. CHopeful. DSatisfied.【答案】1D2A3A4C【分析】本文是记叙文。作者作为老师看到自己的新生入学,回忆起自己上高中

    3、的第一天。1推理判断题。根据第一段“I saw mixed expressions on the faces of my students: excited, nervous, and worried. No doubt about it: they were this terms freshmen. My own first day at high school flashed into my mind.(我看到我的学生脸上有各种不同的表情:兴奋、紧张和担心。毫无疑问,他们是这学期的新生。我想起了高中的第一天)”可知,作者看到自己的学生,所以作者是老师,再根据后文回忆高中的一天。由此推知,作

    4、者是一名高中老师。故选D项。2细节理解题。根据第二段“Oh, my goodness, what a large school it was! Nervously, I looked about for where my first class was to be held.(哦,天哪,那是一所多么大的学校啊!我紧张地四处寻找我的第一堂课将在哪里上)”可知,作者紧张的原因是学校太大了。故选A项。3根据第三段“It was Ben, who had left my middle school right after sixth grade. We talked and joked about m

    5、iddle school and the clubs we were In together. My nerves eased (放松)a little.(是Ben,他刚上完六年级就离开了我的中学。我们谈论和开玩笑关于中学和我们一起参加的俱乐部。我的神经松弛了一点)”可知,作者在遇到老同学Ben的时候才感觉到没那么紧张了,故选A项。4根据最后一段“By the end of that day, I was full of optimism (乐观).(那天结束的时候,我充满了乐观)”可知,作者在高中第一天结束之后是满怀希望的。故选C项。2篇After an earthquake most su

    6、rvivors can be expected to recover over time, particularly with the support of family and friends. Some families will be able to return to their normal life quickly, while others will have to contend with the destruction of their homes, medical problems, and injury to family members. Children especi

    7、ally will need time to recover from the loss of a loved one or a pet or from the closing down of their school.Children often turn to adults for information, comfort and help. Parents should try to remain calm, answer childrens questions honestly and remain understanding when they see changes in thei

    8、r childrens behavior.Children react differently to an earthquake depending on their ages, developmental levels and former experiences. Some will respond by withdrawing (不与人交往), while others will have angry outbursts (爆发). Parents should remain sensitive to each childs reactions. Parents should spend

    9、 time talking to their children,letting them know that its OK to ask questions and to share their worries. Although it may be hard to find time to have these talks, parents can use regular family mealtimes or bedtimes for them. They should answer questions briefly and honestly and be sure to ask the

    10、ir children for their opinions and ideas. Issues may come up more than once and parents should remain patient when you answer the questions again. For young children, parents, after talking about the earthquake, might read a favorite story or have a relaxing family activity to help them calm down. P

    11、arents should also tell children they are safe and spend extra time with them. They could play games outside or read together indoors. Most importantly, be sure to tell them you love them.1The underlined phrase “contend with” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “_”.Adeal with Bmake up Cput off Dturn b

    12、ack2When children ask the same question again, parents should _.Aread a favorite story to comfort themBask them to help do some houseworkCbe patient and answer the question againDtake them out to play games3Which of the following pieces of advice is NOT mentioned in the passage?AKeep a close watch o

    13、n childrens behavior.BTell the children they are safe.CTell the children you love them.DAsk educational experts for help.4What can we know from the passage?AAll people will recover from an earthquake quickly.BChildren may need a longer time to recover after an earthquake.CChildren should turn to the

    14、ir classmates for help after an earthquake.DChildren react in the same way as adults do to an earthquake.1A2C3D4B这是一篇说明文。文章就震后如何帮助孩子恢复身心健康向家长提供了有关的建议。词句猜测题。根据划线词句“Some families will be able to return to their normal life quickly, while others will have to contend with the destruction of their homes,

    15、 medical problems, and injury to family members.(一些家庭将能够很快恢复正常生活,而另一些家庭将不得不contend with家园的破坏、医疗问题和家庭成员的受伤)”可知,一些家庭还好,而另一些家庭就不得不应对许多震后带来的问题,进而推断出,contend with为“应对”的意思。选项A“处理”与之意义最为接近,故选A项。根据第三段中“Issues may come up more than once and parents should remain patient when you answer the questions again.(问

    16、题可能会出现不止一次,当你再次回答问题时,家长应该保持耐心)”可知,当孩子再问同样的问题时,父母要再次耐心回答。根据文章最后一段中“Parents should remain sensitive to each childs reactions.(父母应该对每个孩子的反应保持敏感)”、“Parents should also tell children they are safe and spend extra time with them. (父母也应该告诉孩子他们是安全的,花更多的时间和他们在一起)”以及“Most importantly, be sure to tell them you

    17、 love them.(最重要的是,一定要告诉他们你爱他们)”可知,ABC三项课文中都提到了,D项Ask educational experts for help.(向教育专家寻求帮助)没有被提到。根据第一段最后一句“Children especially will need time to recover from the loss of a loved one or a pet or from the closing down of their school.(孩子们尤其需要时间从失去亲人或宠物或学校关闭中恢复过来)”可知,孩子们可能需要更长的时间在地震后恢复。故选B项。3篇In high

    18、 school I was very shy, content to hang around with my small group of friends and to concentrate on my courses. I was quickly labeled a brain. I did so well that by the end of senior year I had perfect grades and enough college credits to give up an entire quarter of coursework.But in early June of

    19、senior year, the principal called me into his office. He asked me to give a speech at graduation. I was surprised to look at him, my heart thumping. This was the reward for my hard work? I murmured something and fled the office, blaming myself for staying away from physics, a subject sure to have br

    20、oken up my perfect record.I finally agreed to a compromise. I would share the honor with five other students. I agreed to introduce my friend Judy, who would then give her own, full-length speech.Graduation day soon arrived, Id been practicing my speech for days, and I had it memorized. The first ha

    21、lf hour of the ceremony passed in a blur, and then my moment came. My name was announced. I managed to reach the stage without falling down. I faced my classmates. My voice trembled a little, but mostly it was clear and strong. But within seconds, I was done and heading back to my seat. I accomplish

    22、ed something Id never dreamed of I spoke in front of hundreds of people.Although I didnt realize it at the time, the successful completion of that speech gave me the confidence to take part in class at college, to give oral reports, and to eventually break free of my shyness. I never would have chos

    23、en to give a speech at graduation or ever. But Im glad I did. I no longer hesitate when Im faced with the prospect of doing something I feared. I know it may very well turn out to be one of my shining moments.1Why was the writer called a brain?AShe was the most intelligent student.BShe was the head

    24、of her small group.CShe was a bookworm all the time.DShe did more coursework for good grades.2What can we learn from the second paragraph?AShe ruined her health by studying hard.BShe got the reward as was expected.CShe was grateful for giving a speech.DShe wasnt good at physics at school.3How did th

    25、e author feel at the beginning of the graduation speech?AExcited. BMoved.CScared. DEmbarrassed4What did the speech bring to the author at last?AShe had nothing to fear in life,BShe won enough college credits.CShe got rid of her sense of shyness.DShe desired to become a speaker.2D3C本文是一篇记叙文。作者高中非常优秀,

    26、但是老师让她在高三毕业典礼上发表演讲,她感到胆怯,毕业演讲开始的时候坐着脚步不稳,声音发抖,非常害怕。通过这次演讲对作者在大学里参加课堂,发表口头报告有了信心,并最终摆脱羞怯。1细节理解题。结合第一段to concentrate on my courses 和后面I had perfect grades and enough college credits to give up an entire quarter of coursework 可知,作者上学时努力,成绩很好,是最聪明努力的孩子,所以被称为“brain”。故选A。2推理判断题。根据第二段blaming myself for sta

    27、ying away from physic s,a subject sure to have broken up my perfect record.可推知,作者的物理成绩不好,打破了她的完美记录。故选D。3细节理解题。结合第四段I managed to reach the podium without falling down.和My voice trembled a little 可知,毕业演讲开始的时候坐着脚步不稳,声音发抖,非常害怕。故选C。4推理判断题。结合最后一段Although I didnt realize it at the time,the successful completion o


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