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    1、九年级英语外研版上册Module5MuseumsModule5Unit3教案Module 5 Unit3 Museums 一、 教学内容:Language in use二、 课型:Revision and application三、 教学目标: 1、能正确运用本模块的词汇:upstairs, exhibition,rule,against the rules,in trouble,tail,rope,entry,No entry,no good,no wonder,missing,downstairs,punish,communications,physics,chemistry,dig co

    2、al, energy,X-ray,experiment,sand,control,truck,wheel,comparewith,of all ages,whole等。2、能按类别整理单词或词组,提高单词学习效率。3、能够听懂和正确运用if状语从句和祈使句。4、能够运用所学的知识,谈论自己喜欢的博物馆及其他地方教学重难点:正确使用状语从句和祈使句。四、 教学准备:本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、游戏等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究

    3、学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片等。五、 教学过程:教学步骤 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的Leading-in(8)1. Warming-upWatch a video about signs2.Play a game.Let the students read the following sentences as loudly as they can. 1. No shouting, please.2. Dont cross that rope!3. Dont be rude!4. If you ever go to London,

    4、 make sure you visit the Science Museum.Enjoy the videoRead the following sentences as quickly as they can. Choose the fastest one.通过视频帮助学生复习学过的指示图标及其表达,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过游戏“比比谁大声”复习本单元的语法句子,提高了学生反复朗读的兴趣,读的声音越大越好,使其达到一定的熟练程度。2. While-task(17)and Post-task (19)1. Guessing gamesAsk students to observe the e

    5、xamples carefully and the fill in the similar sentences.2 GrammarExplain the use of Adverbial clause and imperative sentence3 ExercisesActivity One. Ask the students to Match the signs with the rules.Activity Two. Ask the students to Look at the signs and write the rules.Activity Three. Ask students

    6、 to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.4. Pair-workStudents discuss withSs complete the sentences Take notes.Finish Activity One.Finish Activity Two.Finish Activity 3通过游戏呈现祈使句,引导学生作简单的口语操练。老师对状语从句和祈使句做汇总解说,复习本单元所学的重点语法,再通过练习巩固。 classmates and Complete the sentences

    7、 with their own ideas, finish Activity Four.5. Knowledge ExtensionStudents work in groups to discuss things about museum, using adverbial clause and imperative sentence, finish Activity FiveStudents work in groups to Complete the passage with the expressions in the box, finish Activity Six and Activ

    8、ity SevenSpeaking. Ask the students to give a talk about museums, using the knowledge they have learned.Listening Ask them to finish Activity Eight : Listen and label different parts of the museum. Around the world. Ask the Ss to read the passage and their use their own words to describe the Louvre,

    9、 read the passage togetherDiscuss with classmates and finish Activity FourStudents talk in groups about museums, using adverbial clause and imperative sentenceFinish Activity Six and Activity Seven, learn more things about the museums. Some of the students give a talk Listen and do the exercise. Rea

    10、d the passage together once and tell their thoughts of the Louvre, then read the passage together.把活动、四、五、六、七用小组、同桌合作学习的形式,调动学生学习积极性,让学生对所学知识互相讨论。让学生进行口语训练,根据课本所学知识和个人课外知识积累,分享介绍自己对博物馆的了解。,长期口语训练可以逐渐地培养学生学习英语的自信心。Around the world在此处作为阅读训练,要求学生口头叙述阅读后所获得的信息,锻炼了说,也考查了学生读的能力。学生只有通过大量的朗读,才能不断地纠正自己的语音和语调

    11、,逐步形成英语语感。3. Summary(1)1.Help the students to summary the signs and rules they know and share their favorite things of the museums. 2. Ask the students to conclude the usage of of the adverbial clause and imperative sentence1.Students summary the he signs and rules they know and share their favorite

    12、 things of the museums. 2.Students conclude the usage of the adverbial clause and imperative sentence让学生自己总结本模块的知识点,加深理解。4. Homework(1)Finish Activity 10 : Make a guide to your school.学生通过本模块的学习获得了语言储备,为语言的输出做好了铺垫。写作能客观地反映学生各方面的语言运用能力,英语学习也真正地延伸到了课堂之外。此环节设计的目的是让学生在说的基础上,能够通过书面表达进一步巩固所学的内容。板书设计Module

    13、 3 MuseumsUnit 3 Language in useModule task Make a guide to your school1. where 2. how达标训练题I. . 根据句意填空。1. 如果你经过超市,请给我买些水果。 Please _ _ some fruit if you _ by the supermarket.2. 如果你饿了,请吃些食物。_ you _ hungry, please _ some food.3. 如果你不知道如何使用它,请向李老师求助。If you _ _ how to use it, please _ Mr Li for help.4. 如果你想念你父母,就给他们打电话吧。_ _ _ your parents, please _ _ _ _.II. . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. If you are thirsty, _ (drink) some water.2. _ (go) to see a doctor if you _ (not feel) well.


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